Well Designed Cardboard Displays Draw Customers
The bottom line of manufacturing products is to sell them. Although that is a simple goal, it is by no means one that is easily achieved. Hundreds or thousands of other similar products are jostling for customer attention that, in turn, draws in those desirable customer dollars. If your product doesn’t stand out then it could easily fall into the dark hole of obscurity.
Cardboard Displays
One of the most effective ways of grabbing the attention of passing people busily scurrying about their shopping is to use cardboard displays. Customers tend to shop for specific items, but if a new item catches their eye, they will stop to investigate and contemplate purchasing that item to try. The evidence of the effectiveness of a well-designed cardbaord display box is evident throughout practically any store that you visit. Retail facilities are filled with display boxes that take their advantageous positions at the ends or in the middle of the isles, at checkout lines and even in stand-alone locations.
Cardboard Displays Marketing
This type of point-of-sale marketing is extremely effective because it introduces browsing customers to products that would otherwise be sitting on a shelf and blended into the ocean of similar products where either brand superiority or the blind luck of choice rules. However, smart marketing strategies that incorporate point-of-sale advertising techniques using cardboard displays can beat both of those odds. You can make your unknown product stand out by placing it in front of all those browsing customers. If the design of your cardboard display box is well done and provides a visual impression that catches the attention of passersby then many people will choose to try it based on that very quality alone.
Of course, part of the point-of-sale strategy is to design your cardboard displays to meet your target audience. For example, children’s products are best sold in displays that are colorful and contain fun animations, business women are drawn in by sophisticated images and catch phrases that appeal to their savvy and intelligent style and young men are usually attracted to products that appeal to their vision of sexiness and mystic.
If you are looking to effectively expose a new product to the masses or boost the sales of an existing product that is doing poorly in sales, consider using a custom designed cardboard display box. By placing such products at point-of-sale locations where browsing customers will take better notice, you gain an advantage over shelf positioning that must compete with strong competition.